5.0 and or 4.8 (was Re: [development] Drupal x.x.0 freeze date)
Bèr Kessels
ber at webschuur.com
Tue May 2 11:37:39 UTC 2006
Op dinsdag 2 mei 2006 10:27, schreef Dries Buytaert:
> (ii) code that has yet to be
> written.
I tried a raodmap once. In the handbooks. It did not work, because (i) some
people did not want it to work and (ii) people were not bothered about it,
while (iii) it was too far hidden away to be of any real value.
However, I learned one thing. The fact that I had some nice tasks on there
brought in people whom might otherwise have been 'lost'. They mailed me in
person, because my name was behind a certain item in that map.
They needed that same goal/item done.
Hence we had a team.
So we can also see a roadmap as something to show peolpe the shortcut-roads to
effective developement!
Instead of hacking up i18n, or start i10n, or so, that developer can now see
that there is an active team with clear goals and tasks, working on getting
certain i18n features out there. He might just as well join, instead of the
long route (mailinglists, IRC and more stuff that half of the developers
don't have time for) on his own.
Yes. groups.drupal.org will fullfill this purpose, I guess. If only we can
summarise the activity on groups.drupal.org on a prominent page, then *we
have a roadmap!*
| Bèr Kessels | webschuur.com | website development |
| Jabber & Google Talk: ber at jabber.webschuur.com
| http://bler.webschuur.com | http://www.webschuur.com |
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