[development] Time to remove poll module from core

Jeff Eaton jeff at viapositiva.net
Wed May 3 04:03:18 UTC 2006

Just a quick note of clarification -- I wasn't trying to imply that core
should be SO stripped down tat we have NO modules. What I meant to ask
was, 'What criteria make one module core-worthy but not another?'

I think a much-streamlined core, with a secondary package of 'community
tools,' or perhaps a 'Classic Drupal' module pack, would be a great
step. But I've said that before. :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Derek Wright [mailto:derek at dwwright.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 10:16 PM
To: development at drupal.org; kb at 2bits.com
Subject: Re: [development] Time to remove poll module from core

On May 2, 2006, at 8:05 PM, Khalid B wrote:

> In another thread Derek asked why core has modules at all.

that wasn't me.  i believe you're thinking of jeff eaton.

i think drupal's "core" should contain some modules, even ones beyond 
the required 4 or 5.  but, i'm in support of reducing the # of modules 
in core, and distributing the work of maintaining modules that are 
important, but not necessarily "core".

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