[development] [ANN] OpenID module version 1.1 for Drupal 4.7

Jonathan Daugherty cygnus at janrain.com
Tue May 16 17:53:38 UTC 2006

> Interesting... I'll definitely have a look at this soon.. As Boris has
> suggested, if we can get a good basic distributed auth system for Drupal core
> that would also allow it to work with multiple other Identity 2.0 protocols
> that would be very sweet.

As you probably already know, the best way to do that is to use the Yadis
service discovery protocol when implementing support for a given identity
protocol.  The latest release of our PHP libraries use Yadis for discovery.
The current release of the Drupal module only does OpenID, but it can be
modified to do Yadis directly and dispatch to OpenID or whatever else is
available.  This is not trivial, however.

  Jonathan Daugherty
  JanRain, Inc.

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