[development] Themes.net Deliciously Zen themes -- for anyone who might want them.

Trae McCombs traemccombs at gmail.com
Fri Oct 6 15:05:57 UTC 2006

Hi All,

I really need to get to work on building up a site for my themeing
contracting work, Portfolio [I'm unemployed presently].  I've tried to chip
in and help the best I can by providing some leadership and code in the
themes arena.

Here are tarballs and screenshots of what I did (based on Farsheeds work):

Plain Jane Version

Bar at top version

I wanted to make sure anyone who might want the code could get it.


Need a Drupal Themer?  Contact me!
    Trae McCombs || http://occy.net/
  Founder - Themes.org // Linux.com
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