[development] New Core Theme for 5.0

Frando (Franz Heinzmann) frando at xcite-online.de
Wed Sep 13 01:53:32 UTC 2006

Small correction towards my comments in [1]:
I've now spotted the secondary links, but I think they don't fit the
overall style very well. They are far too contrasted to the rest of the
site. I think more contrast would be good, but only if it's applied to
the overall layout.

My other commments in [1] still apply:

* It would be great to have $logo next to the the site title ..
* Search box should be moved down to the level of the primary links
* several minor corrections/proposals. Just look at [1].


[1] http://xcite-online.de/uploads/data/deliciouszen-comments.jpg

Frando (Franz Heinzmann) schrieb:
> Ok,
> some specific comments can be found here:
> http://xcite-online.de/uploads/data/deliciouszen-comments.jpg
> In general, I think the theme is quite good, but not yet perfect.
> It could get a little more contrast, maybe by adding some background 
> images (e.g. gradients) for the header or sidebar...
> I'll do a mockup of what I mean later today or tomorrow.
> regards,
> frando
> Farsheed schrieb:
>> Hi,
>> I've made some significant updates to the delicious
>> zen theme aimed at core.  It would be great if people
>> could test the theme so there might be some chance of
>> it getting in core.
>> Issue Thread: http://drupal.org/node/81217
>> Demo Site:
>> http://www.drupalart.org/drupal48
>> Download:
>> http://drupal.org/files/issues/delicious_zen_11.zip
>> Thanks!
>> -Farsheed
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