[development] 5.0 Core Theme Update

adrian rossouw adrian at bryght.com
Mon Sep 25 21:32:35 UTC 2006

On 25 Sep 2006, at 1:33 AM, Trae McCombs wrote:

> If I feel the theme is sub-par, and isn't fit for Drupal  5.0, then  
> I do believe I have a right to say so.  I feel I will be doing the  
> community a disservice if I simply shut up and let a theme that  
> wasn't great get pushed through.
i agree

i believe this theme is incredibly useful in the same way that  
cleanslate and box_grey are useful.

but due to it's nature, it's essentially an 'undesign'

The only reason i think this could be a default core theme is because  
bluemarine blows so hard. I do not believe this should be the out of  
the box look though.
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