[development] aggregator2 update path complete!

Ken Rickard agentrickard at gmail.com
Sun Apr 29 20:56:27 UTC 2007

>> (Half kidding. It would be great if all who work on aggregator stuff
>> unify their efforts on such an API).

Already there.  See http://groups.drupal.org/node/3528 (or the original post
at http://drupal.org/node/130942).

Aron Novak's SoC project also addresses this, turning Aggregator module into
an API with standard library for parsing, but opening up a pluggable
architecture for other modules to replace/extend.

I believe that all the aggregator-type module authors are on board with the
new API concept.

If you haven't read the proposed API, now is a good time...

- Ken Rickard
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