[development] Drupal 6 RC1 is out!
Alessandro Feijó
patrao at legendas.feijo.info
Fri Dec 21 09:39:05 UTC 2007
Fantastic ! :)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gábor Hojtsy" <gabor at hojtsy.hu>
To: <development at drupal.org>
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2007 10:03 PM
Subject: [development] Drupal 6 RC1 is out!
> Hello World!
> Yes, it is true. The first release candidate is out! Go, grab, test,
> report bugs: http://drupal.org/drupal-6.0-rc1
> I'd like to hand my special thanks to Keith Smith, with him we were
> able to wrangle through the docs issue queue and fix and string freeze
> issues we identified all day yesterday. Even run a final spell check
> round to make sure everything is top-notch. This release becomes the
> most spell checked and the most updated with help text ever in my
> humble opinion. Note for the D7 maintainers: coordinate with feature
> patches to get them documented right there, not right before RC1 :)
> I wrote docs for translators and packaged a Drupal 6.0-1.0-rc1 release
> for them with the templates: http://drupal.org/node/202631 RC1 is
> string freeze, so whatever needs modifications in the strings is
> generally postponed to Drupal 7. Let our translators have their happy
> holidays and all free time filled with Drupal 6 work, so foreign
> language users can enjoy Drupal 6 localized right when it is released.
> We still have critical bugs left in the queue. This also means that we
> have gone with open critical bugs, so strictly speaking, this RC will
> surely not be the final release. However, the move from beta to RC
> means that translators will be at work and that we will be more strict
> in what's accepted. Please note that when we fix whatever small
> looking bug, we might introduce any number of new
> bugs, as it happened to us multiple times. So let's concentrate on the
> critical bugs, and accept the fact that there will be a release after
> Drupal 6, which will welcome your improvements.
> Bookmark this:
> http://drupal.org/project/issues?projects=3060&categories=bug,task&priorities=1&states=1,8,13,14&versions=97368,184399,175832,194287,198188,202820
> Hope this becomes a nice pre-christmas package to all.
> Gabor
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