[development] Reproducing 'login does not stick' error - what does an expert want me to do?

Alan Dixon alan.g.dixon at gmail.com
Thu Feb 1 13:58:25 UTC 2007

It looks like the extra code was added to settings.php in the latest
security release of 4.7.6. Thanks to those responsible!

 - Alan

On 1/25/07, Augustin (Beginner) <drupal.beginner at wechange.org> wrote:
> On Thursday 25 January 2007 15:15, Scott McLewin wrote:
> > From reading the d.o forums I gather this problem may have continued
> > into D5 RC 1, but it was not clear if it was fixed in the final version.
> Hello Scott:
> Apparently, it has not been fixed, though I am not sure what follows is
> related to what you are talking.
> I just ran into this problem when updating from RC1 or 2 to today's DRUPAL-5.
> That code had been added in between (#28):
> http://drupal.org/node/108663#comment-178040
> Here's the solution I have adopted (#55):
> http://drupal.org/node/108663#comment-184698

Alan Dixon, Web Developer

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