[development] Releasemonitor Module (was Version2 Module)

Derek Wright drupal at dwwright.net
Thu Jan 4 08:42:09 UTC 2007

On Jan 4, 2007, at 12:20 AM, Dries Buytaert wrote:

> This is core functionality.

i totally agree.  work has already begun here:

"module page could say if new releases are available"

(feature request against 6.x-dev, with a lot of initial work hashing  
out implementation ideas).

> we'll want to build command-line tools or libraries for this

very good point.

> I suggest we create a release.inc for core with the basic  
> functionality required to make some of this possible.

sounds good.  however, i should caution anyone planning to work on  
this stuff, if you haven't already, please read this comment (at  
least the 1st bullet point) about why core's release.inc should *NOT*  
have knowledge of CVS, $Name$ or $Id$ strings, etc:


in other news... bless his soul, nedjo has rolled a patch for the  
project.module XML-RPC server side to hand out the data:


needs review, but it's pretty simple, and could potentially go live  
in a matter of days (i can devote more time to this once i finish up  
the last of my tasks getting project* 5.x ready for the big d.o  


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