[development] Views and fields available

Walt Daniels wdlists at optonline.net
Sat Jan 6 19:33:46 UTC 2007

I have a view on the node table to show the Title, Create time, Update time,
Type, Author name.  www.ramapo2007.org/view/node_info

However I am not given the opportunity on the view add field screen to add
some of the other fields in the node table. What determines what fields are

I would also like to show the name of the last person to change the node
which doesn't seem to be stored in the node table (I think it should be).
The only place I have seen it is in the watchdog table. The person who last
modified information is almost always more interesting than the creator (at
least to me).

Speaking of the watchdog table, is anyone considering making changes to it
for 6.0? I have some suggestions that I would like to see, e.g. other

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