[development] Hook ordering

Scott McLewin drupal at mclewin.com
Mon Jan 8 16:01:50 UTC 2007


 > Sorry if my density is getting the way of understanding here.  :-)

It's probably not density on your part, but just the way I think about 
the pattern.

 > function, and your module somehow registered that such a function is
 > available, how is it not a callback?

Unlike C, I'm not explicitly registering nodetype_operation() to be 
called in the hook_load() pattern.  If the function exists, it is called 
when appropriate, if it does not exist, it is not called.  In my way of 
thinking, if I don't explicitly register it and some bit of code is hot 
maintaining a function pointer to my callback, it's not a callback.  I'm 
not being called 'back', rather core is calling out to a function that I 
can declare if I want to.  It is a subtle difference, and not one that 
I'll go to the mat defending as The Right And Proper Way.

 >core just looks for the function, then it sounds like a hook -- which
 >given other messages it seems like it is not.

The differentiation that chx is making with hooks vs 'something else' is 
that something like hook_nodeapi() is called on every implementing 
module every time the hook invocation function is called.  It is up to 
each hook_nodeapi() implementation to figure out when to act and when to 
remain dormant, and in general any given hook_nodeapi() implementation 
should not rely on the order in which the hooks are called.  
hook_form_alter() follows this same pattern, as do many others.

hook_load()/hook_insert() and such are called explicitly as a single 
function call based on the node type.  In this pattern core is not 
calling a series of functions across all implementing modules, but 
rather calling a single function if it happens to exist.

Larry Garfield thought he was being evil by suggesting 'method_load()' 
as the pattern name.  That's not a bad idea either.

I've chimed in on this thread because the distinction between hooks that 
are called in an 'unordered' (ignoring system weights) set vs the hooks 
that are called based on node type was not clear to me when I started 
with Drupal two years ago.  Both were called hooks, and it took me a 
while to work out that they were different.  I was confused as to when I 
needed to check input parameters to decide whether to take an action, vs 
when my function was expected to take an action no matter what.  From 
the module authoring perspective that's a big difference.  Like many 
others, I just cut and pasted from working code without really getting 
it (for a while).

I'll happily field follow-on questions to my warped world views, but in 
the bigger picture I think this thread has probably run it's course.


Chris Johnson wrote:
> Scott,
> Can you clarify a bit between why "callout" is ok but "callback" is
> wrong.  I understand your remark about not passing a function pointer
> into something to get called back (I'm an old C kernel device driver
> programmer).  But if something in core is calling out to your
> function, and your module somehow registered that such a function is
> available, how is it not a callback?
> If I'm confused here, and you didn't register the function (you passed
> an object, so that seems like a positive registration action), but
> core just looks for the function, then it sounds like a hook -- which
> given other messages it seems like it is not.
> Sorry if my density is getting the way of understanding here.  :-)
> Thanks.
> ..chrisxj

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