[development] The new menu system -- where we are, what works and what's not

Jeremy Epstein jazepstein at gmail.com
Wed Jan 24 22:49:19 UTC 2007

Great work, Karoly!

Can you please provide us with the URLs of the issues for stage 2 of
the new menu system? The sooner we can get the rest of the patches
committed for this, the better.


On 1/25/07, Karoly Negyesi <karoly at negyesi.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> First of all, read the new menu documentation please. http://drupal.org/node/102338
> Please note that everything the menu documentation talks about is intented to work. So if you browse to a page, you should see the page you wanted and the relevant access check must happen. So please give this some thought: "will I be able to upgrade my module to this system"? If you only give this thought when you will really upgrade your module to the new system, well past freeze I will not be able to adjust the API for you. Now is the time to get your voice heard.
> Also, here is a list of what's known to be broken in HEAD:
> -- no primary/secondary links
> -- no tabs
> -- no new administration page
> -- if you build a chain of paths like: foo/bar , foo/bar/this, foo/bar/this/that where ony foo/bar/this is a visible link then expect inheritance rules to not work. Core has no such thing IMO.
> -- if you give permission to role to a link without giving permission to its parents then that link for said permission will be mostly unreachable.
> There is no point for submitting patches for any of them as the current visible link solution will go down the drain pretty soon.
> Thanks for bearing with me,
> Karoly Negyesi

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