[development] #drupal / #drupal-dev split considered harmful

Khalid Baheyeldin kb at 2bits.com
Tue Jul 31 22:52:06 UTC 2007

On 7/31/07, Angela Byron <drupal-devel at webchick.net> wrote:
> A couple weeks ago, a few developers started going into #drupal-dev
> instead of #drupal and started a campaign to get people to split off.
> I guess the reasoning for this was because they disagreed with
> newbies who didn't read the topic getting 'support?' in their face
> when they join our "official" channel. I personally think it is a
> feature, and not a bug, that our main channel is contribution-focused
> rather than support-focused, but that is largely irrelevant to the
> topic at hand.
> The problem is that the people who started this 'fork' have not been
> present in #drupal, actively taking part in support requests from
> newbies, thus changing the 'mood' of the channel by their own words
> in actions. Instead, the main channel's merely been abandoned by
> several very prominent contributors, a large portion of the
> development community doesn't even realize there's a separate
> channel, development discussion in general is now splintered between
> the channels, and newbies are still getting 'support?' in #drupal.
> The climate in the 'official' channel right now is more that of a
> ghost town of join/part messages, except for random musings about the
> infrastructure and, of course, 'support?'. This gives the exact
> opposite impression to new Drupal users than the channel did before
> the split -- a vibrant community of developers sharing issues or
> patches to review, talking about new modules they're developing, etc.
> So please, #drupal-dev goers, either finish what you started by
> actively working in #drupal to make it more newbie-friendly, or
> abandon the experiment. So far, this feels like a net loss for the
> community.
> -Angie

Seems the main issue is that this "fork" was not discussed widely enough
in the community.

How about repurposing or a charter change of #drupal vs. #drupal-dev?

#drupal-dev would be for purely development talk, and #drupal for everything
drupal (except support), including infrastructure, ...etc.

How about getting a discussion going this time on what to do?
Drupal development, customization and consulting.
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