[development] low hanging fruit for Drupal 6: variable?defaults

Mohammed Sameer msameer at foolab.org
Fri May 4 21:46:53 UTC 2007

On Fri, May 04, 2007 at 07:47:00PM +0200, Gabor Hojtsy wrote:
> Mohammed Sameer wrote:
> >>hook_variables() {
> >>  $items = array();
> >>  $items['mymod_num_things'] = array(
> >>    '#default_value' => 2,  // Same syntax as FAPI uses
> >>    '#realm' => 'mymod', // optional
> >>    '#translatable' => FALSE, // probably default false
> >>    '#cacheable' => TRUE, // default to TRUE if under X chars when 
> >>    serialized
> >>    '#serialize' => FALSE, // default to true for object/array, else 
> >>    false );
> >>  foreach (node_get_types('name') as $type) {
> >>    $items['mymod_things_for_' . $type] = array(
> >>      '#default_value' => array(),  
> >>    );
> >>  }
> >>
> >>  return $items;
> >>}
> >
> >I'd actually declare it as hook_variables($type, $arg2)
> >
> >The module will not always know about the available node types as we can 
> >add a bunch after enabling the module.
> >So I'd say that whenever we have a new content type (No idea how to detect 
> >that) we call this hook to update
> >our defaults. The problem is that hook_variables() returns the default 
> >related to the node types we have as well as
> >the defaults not related to the node types. That's why $type can either by 
> >'node' for node types related defaults,
> >'comment' for comments related settings, 'term' for term related, 
> >'vocabulary' for vocabulary related and 'default' for anything else ? Or 
> >would this be an over kill ?
> Erm, this is completely unrealistic. We don't have concepts such as 
> "node related variables", "term related variables" and so on. We have 
> variables, which are any kind of key => value pairs, what is what we 
> know (at least what we need here).

I thought it's an over kill.
We don't have the concepts but they are there. We have some variables depending
on the content type. The only problem is that some variables won't have defaults
if don't call the hook whenever we add a new content type ?

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