[development] Coder - It's a Community Tool

Gábor Hojtsy gabor at hojtsy.hu
Tue Nov 6 14:19:00 UTC 2007

On Nov 6, 2007 3:01 PM, Doug Green <douggreen at douggreenconsulting.com> wrote:
> 3.  A developer recently suggested that they would change their module
> just to remove a coder warning, even though they knew the warning to be
> bogus.  IMO, this is a mistake.  You are smarter than coder.  Coder is
> just a tool to help you.  It flags potential problems and points you to
> the documentation.  It's up to you to decide if there's really a
> problem. If it's a security related issue, you should look at it very
> closely and be absolutely certain before you ignore the warning, but the
> decision is still yours.  Please don't change your code just to get rid
> of a coder warning.

I have also seen comments on translation template extractor that
"coder says my module is fine and still translation template extractor
says it is bogus, and strings are not possible to extract, so the
template extractor should be in error". After all it seems like coder
module is increasingly considered the reference for what's considered
good coding, and as always, referring to a computer check for coding
practices is not the best idea.

Anyway, I fully plan to make the template extractor an optional coder
plugin so coder would report extraction errors as well. (It is far
from hard to do, but still need to set aside time to do it,
contributions welcome).


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