[development] Taxonomy labeling changes

catch catch56 at googlemail.com
Wed Nov 14 21:10:57 UTC 2007

>I took a quick peek on my site and the only place I see it called
"Categories" is on the menu label and the title of this page:
>?=admin/content/taxonomy . Note the URL to that page.  Seems to me like
the overall system is "Taxonomy" with a half attempt to change it to
"Categories" that failed. What's wrong with rolling it back while >we
think about what best to call it in 7?

"Categories" is only used in about three places at the moment, and as
Michelle points out users are instantly exposed to the word taxonomy as
soon as they click on the menu link, let alone taxonomy/term/n and
admin/help/taxonomy which still has pre-Categories text in it. It'd be
great to direct some of the energy being expended on this thread towards
improving the help texts and documentation which currently don't apply
consistently to either pre-5.x or 6.x versions of the module.

The patch to roll it back is 1.34kb[1]. This will increase in size with
some help text changes but it's still quite a trivial process. If
alternative names are found, we'll still need an upgrade path for the
more than 2 million urls currently on the internet[2] that use it, along
with an api change across two core modules and over 60 in contrib if
it's going to be a consistent change.

[2]Results *1* - *10* of about *2,050,000* for *inurl:taxonomy/term*

Michelle Cox wrote:
> On 11/14/2007 2:09:58 PM, Neil Drumm (drumm at delocalizedham.com) wrote:
>> Avoid use of "Taxonomy" in the UI. The overall system, despite the
>> module name, is "Categories."

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