[development] Call for Drupalcon Barcelona presentations/notes

Angela Byron drupal-devel at webchick.net
Mon Sep 24 19:29:08 UTC 2007

On 23-Sep-07, at 3:36 PM, Martin Frost wrote:

> Hi Angela,
>> I've created a section in the handbook for posting presentations and
>> session notes: http://drupal.org/node/177855. Just add a child page
>> to add your stuff.
>> Please make an effort to get your stuff in here, so they're archived
>> for all the poor folks who couldn't make it, and for Drupal
>> generations of the future.
>> Thanks!
>> -Angie
>   I missed my session due to a bad migraine :( Am I okay to post a
>   message of apologies to all people who wanted to come and also to
>   direct them to http://groups.drupal.org/booking-systems as I intend
>   to do a screencast or something of what i was going to present, and
>   use the group for further discussions?

Sure, I don't see why not. :)

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