[development] Call for Drupalcon Barcelona presentations/notes

Gábor Hojtsy gabor at hojtsy.hu
Mon Sep 24 21:35:49 UTC 2007

On 9/24/07, Boris Mann <boris at bryght.com> wrote:
> > That works, but I'd prefer them to be on drupal.org itself, since the
> > content for *that* site will definitely stay up. ;) Also, it then
> > mirrors the Brussels, OSCMS, etc. sections of the handbook.
> >
> > But definitely linking from both places would be good.
> Angie, this needs to become part of a process / write up / best
> practices for DrupalCons in general. One good argument that some of
> those handbook places the stuff ended up there because there wasn't an
> external site, or an external site without those capabilities.
> Anyone, something else to mark down as "learnings from DrupalCon
> debrief". Ideally, I'd like to have *some* presentations beforehand in
> the future...

Good call. The Drupal Event Organization
(http://groups.drupal.org/drupal-event-organization) group is wide
open to wikipages with information. I also plan to summarize our "next
DrupalCon" BoF there, as well as provide some more lined up framework
for documenting best practices there.

Will also blog about the story behind this sorta-new sorta-old group
as soon as I get to it.


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