[development] What about reviewing patches?

Charlie Gordon cwgordon7 at cwgordon.com
Thu Aug 14 19:48:47 UTC 2008

Earnie Boyd wrote:
> So is it being run by hand?  I set at http://testing.drupal.org/tests 
> text like "1 hour 27 min ago" under the "Submitted" column.

The status of testing.drupal.org is, at the moment, this: patches are 
applied, and marked "fail" if they don't apply properly. Tests are not 
actually run at the moment. But none of that matters, because nothing is 
posted back to the issue queue anyway.

> Well, that would be another plus for contrib.  At least I have 
> http://drupal.kollm.org/node/1 thanks to ax.

But, how many contributed modules actually have their own tests written? 
No more than 10-20, certainly, which is a very small percentage. The 
workflow here needs to be more thought out; in addition, it's not all 
that reasonable to have a server running automated tests for almost 3000 
contributed modules, not to mention different core versions, module 
dependencies, etc.


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