[development] XML Sitemap 6.x-1.x-dev: Bugs, Typos & Quality

Jens Reinemuth jens at reinemuth.info
Thu Dec 18 13:21:55 UTC 2008

Nathaniel Catchpole schrieb:
> The issue queue for http://drupal.org/project/xmlsitemap is over there.
> Instructions for creating patches are at http://drupal.org/patch/create
> Development tarballs are created automatically by the Drupal.org
> packaging script and have big red Xs next to them to stop regular
> users downloading them. It's the same as checking it out from CVS,
> except a daily snapshot of whatever's in there at the time.
> Development tarballs are for people to try out and contribute back bug
> reports and patches back to the issue queue so they can be rolled into
> the next stable release - if you can fix things locally, you could
> have spent the time doing this instead of sending a complaint to
> however many thousand people subscribe to this list.
> Nat
So it's better to submit a bunch of patches simply correcting typos than
trying to get to know where (or who) the problem is?

Sorry for "spamming" those thousands of drupal-users here. But i don't
get it: Even if i stay on dev-linuxes, with dev-kernels, dev-drivers,
dev-software, ... the times someone submitted code with such simple
typos in the recent years would be under 10.

On the opposite i have a module where the devs (or maintainers)
constantly check-in - easy to fix - bugged code. If this is common in
the drupal-scene we would have to change something about it...

But ok. I'll get a cvs-account and commit about 10 patches a week
countaining commas or something like that...


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