[development] Userscript for inserting issue links for use in comments

Andrew Berry andrewberry at sentex.net
Fri Sep 12 00:34:50 UTC 2008

Hi all,

I've created a greasemonkey script which does a few things which might  
be useful to those of us who spend a lot of time in issue queues:

1. Adds the issue number to the issue title, and sets the whole thing  
as a link for easy copying to other sites where rich text editors  
might be in use or other programs which understand links in a clipboard.

2. Adds a plain-text anchor tag to the issue suitable for copying into  
a comment, below the issue title. It's of the farily standard format  
<issue number>: <issue title>.

3. Adds a plain-text anchor tag below each comment in an issue, for  
linking to a specific comment. The format is <issue number>: <issue  
title> (<comment number).

I've submitted the script on userscripts.org here: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/33565

While userscripts.org has a comments section, for feedback about this  
I'd appreciate using this thread for now. I'm open to suggestions /  
improvements; my javascript-fu is fairly rough. Also, assuming there  
are no major issues, where is a good place to host this on drupal.org?

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