[development] New project vocabularies

Gábor Hojtsy gabor at hojtsy.hu
Thu Feb 12 22:28:15 UTC 2009

On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 6:11 PM, Bill Fitzgerald <bill at funnymonkey.com> wrote:
> An aside here: the mention of e-learning as a category points at both a
> shortcoming of the tagging system, and (IMO) a misunderstanding of
> e-learning. Many modules on d.o have applications within online learning,
> even if it's not immediately obvious -- and the purpose of the
> categorization system should be to extend what is immediately obvious. While
> modules like quiz and gradebook have a specific elearning component, they
> are the exception. Pathauto and token are pretty critical for online
> learning sites, for exactly the same reason they are useful outside of a
> learning context.

How would ecommerce be different for example? Pathauto and token would
equally apply. Or blogs. There are definitely modules applying for all
site types for sure. Drupal by nature has more of these modules then
specific ones IMHO.


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