[development] re CVS requirements

Jeff Greenberg jeff at ayendesigns.com
Wed Oct 28 18:21:18 UTC 2009

David, points taken. Every case is different. With this one, having a 
[selfish?] need, my take would be that optimally, if a few people would 
benefit from adding the subscription to the order process, it would be 
easier for me/us to improve the module than for each of us to have to 
write one for our own use. I understand that we don't want to release 
modules that are anything but high quality, but isn't that what dev is 
for? To take a good idea and do what's needed to make it ready for prime 

Dave Reid wrote:

> Also please see my earlier points about community needing to get 
> involved with reviews. You can point out things that went wrong all 
> day, but until you provide reasonable and actionable solutions, 
> nothing is going to help.

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