[development] Node limbo

Scott Reynen scott at makedatamakesense.com
Sun Apr 24 21:22:55 UTC 2011

On 4/24/11 2:47 PM, jeff at ayendesigns.com wrote:

> I can't add the data to the node_term table until the save is
> complete...but I don't know how to move the data along to that point. I
> can put a submit handler before the normal one, and that gives me access
> to the data via the form, but by the time I get to where hook_nodeapi op
> pre_save would fire, there is no form and that field info won't be
> present in the node.

I went through the same thought process once, and was pleasantly 
surprised to find the field info actually is present in the node. The 
node object is created directly from $form_state['values'], so the $node 
itself in hook_nodeapi() will contain the values you added to the form. 
For example, if you added a field named 'something' with 
hook_form_alter(), you'll see that in $form_state['values']['something'] 
in a form submit handler, and you'll see the same value in 
$node->something in hook_nodeapi().

Scott Reynen

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