[development] Colored text in a form

dswans at gmail.com dswans at gmail.com
Thu Apr 28 23:19:17 UTC 2011

Sent from my LG phone

Franz Glauber <franz.glauber at gmail.com> wrote:

>There is a proper form elemente for adding markup, which is '#type' =>
>'markup' . You place HTML inside the '#value'. Nothing wrong with this
>approach. #prefix and #suffix should be used to wrap elements with
>additional markup or add HTML that is related to an existing element.
>But that's not even the issue here, right?
>On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 12:56 PM, James Wilson <jrguitar21 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> additional HTML (that are not form elements) are typically added to the
>> $form array using using #prefix and/or #suffix instead of #value.
>> $form['#prefix'] = 'some string to appear above the form';
>> $form['existing-element']['#prefix'] = 'this string will appear before the
>> form element called existing-element';
>> $form['existing-element']['#suffix'] = 'this string will appear after the
>> form element called existing-element';
>> James Wilson
>> http://www.bluesparklabs.com
>> On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 4:31 PM, Carl Jester <cjester at peladon.com> wrote:
>>> After I posted I realized I can to a _theme function to go with the _form
>>> function to help lay things out nicely without having to add .tpl files or
>>> other theme overhead to the project. I think it's time to go make friends
>>> with drupal_render().
>Sent from my laptop

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