[development] use multi site or not?

Pooya pooya.source at gmail.com
Thu Mar 10 20:29:23 UTC 2011

Thank you for reply and your time. This actually helps
They need galleries, news, menus, front-page and other features to be
different... well it's almost everything. some news are shared in both. I
can have all these in a regular drupal installation I guess. but having
totally two different theme for each team and different sub features are a
bit hard for normal drupal installation.
I've done sth like this(but in smaller site) before, using section module to
and arg() to have specific theme for nodes, but after a while it gets
unstable and harder when you need to change sth. So I guess multi-site is
the way :)
Another problem here's that they need to share all these users with a
vBulletin forum. I don't know if I can make it in drupal multi-site with all
complicated cookie domains.

2011/3/10 ad4m <adam at ludwinski.net>

> Hey Pooya,
> In general multi-site installation enables you to share content, users,
> settings, themes, etc throughout your sites. Before you decide between
> separate drupal installations or multi-site you should ask yourself if you
> share any content between your sites. If yes than what content are you going
> to share and how. Basic multi-site installation works in all-or-nothing
> fashion. That means you share all of your content (meaning you share tables
> in database) or non of it.
> You should not be afraid of multi-sites installation. At its basic level
> it's similar to single-site installation. Even if you decide you won't share
> anything having multiple sites under one Drupal installation gives you as a
> developer much flexibility. It's easier to maintain your sites in question
> of updates and you can always separate your sites.
> Answering your question I would say that if you do want to share anything
> you don't need multi-site installation. If you want to share some tables the
> easiest way to do this is a multi-site instllation. In fact that's exactly
> what it is: sharing tables you configured to be shared. Plus common modules,
> themes sharing if you want to. Why one would look for table sharing
> mechanism if it's already in core, giving you all the required tools?
> --
> Kindest regards,
> Adam Ludwinski
> Weever Web Warehouse
> mobile: +48 606 107 297
> adam.ludwinski at weever.net
> http://www.weever.net
> Al. Jerozolimskie 87 piętro 2
> 02-001 Warszawa
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> On 10 March 2011 14:14, Pooya <pooya.source at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey guys
>> I've done a few sites using drupal but never a multi. I got this new
>> customer who wants me to make a huge portal website for manchester united
>> team. It's a multi language site, which contains 2 sub-sites: Manchester
>> United and England national football team(default is manchester). after lots
>> of talking over content and features, I found out that they need all
>> galleries, news, menus, front-page and other features to be different for
>> each team. This needs 2 different themes at least(each with two language rtl
>> and ltr). here's a shot: http://016.img98.net/out.php/i75495_1.png
>> To be honest I prefer a framework like CI for such a thing and if using
>> drupal avoid multi-sites cause I don't have enough experience with.
>> My question here is *what if I don't want to use multi-sites* and share
>> some tables. Drupal's a good choice? Have you ever tried to do such a thing?
>> any strategy? anything would help me hear rly.
>> PS. I want to use drupal because of real good community, and the ability
>> which makes me do this real fast(I want to end this project in less than
>> 2month max). Also developing's much easier, they may ask for more features
>> in like a year after site's done. I have lots of trouble these days adding
>> features to old projects.
>> --
>> Pooya Sanooei
>> Twitter <http://twitter.com/sourcesoft> - Facebook<http://facebook.com/pooya.sanooei>-
>> Website <http://www.javabgoo.com>

Pooya Sanooei
Twitter <http://twitter.com/sourcesoft> -
Website <http://www.javabgoo.com>
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