[drupal-docs] book module improvements

Charlie Lowe cel4145 at cyberdash.com
Wed May 18 02:24:04 UTC 2005

Great :)

I added a couple of more suggestions to the BookTechnologySuggestions page.

Could it help in order to prioritize our feature requests to figure out 
a few categories that define our most important needs, prioritize these, 
then come up with our best choices for each?

For example

  - Communication and tracking -- features which allow us to follow more 
easily changes to existing pages, additions to new pages, and/or 
comments on pages.

  - Making the book more wiki-like -- changes to the current book to 
give it more wiki-like features or improve on wiki-like features -- 
i.e., enable better onsite revision and editing of pages.

  - import/export content features (OPML)

  - display and formatting (DocBook XML, page footers, etc.)

puregin wrote:
> Let's review the existing feature requests and prioritize them
> on http://dev.bryght.com/t/wiki/BookTechnologySuggestions,
> so that we can take advantage of Dries' very generous offer
> I've set up a link from this page that summarizes the current
> issues with book module - there's probably a better way to
> present this ...
> On 17 May 2005, at 9:35 AM, Dries Buytaert wrote:
>>Not yet.  The offer still stands (as long requests are reasonable).
>>On 17 May 2005, at 16:38, Anisa wrote:
>>>Did this go anywhere?
>>>Dries Buytaert wrote:
>>>>Surprise, surprise.  If you compile me a list of the most important
>>>>book module improvements, I'll commit to implementing one or two 
>>>>of your list.  Given the documentation shapes up, that is.  I want to
>>>>you prioritize the (existing) feature request based on your 
>>>>maintaining the Drupal.org documentation.
>>Dries Buytaert  ::  http://www.buytaert.net/
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>      Djun

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