[drupal-docs] Information architecture and labelling

Dries Buytaert dries at buytaert.net
Mon May 23 07:45:31 UTC 2005

On 19 May 2005, at 17:51, Kieran Lal wrote:
> I started reading Robin's Drupal newsletter this morning and in  
> particular the review which was a comparison between Wordpress and  
> Drupal.  Then I started reading the comments.
> "I tried out both drupal and wordpress, and came away with  
> wordpress. This was mostly due to trackback and pingback ability  
> which was lacking in drupal. Also, the lingo used in drupal did not  
> make sense to me, nothing seemed intuitave. More importantly, there  
> where no definitions of the concepts. Frustrating. WP is much  
> better at this. My 3 cents."
> "I had a previous Drupal version installed once but was not very  
> intrigued by the way the system was setup. I just did not “feel”  
> the system and that is a very important aspect for me if I plan on  
> working with any system. It has to be intuitive and pleasant. That  
> is not a criticism towards Drupal as I had no difficulties setting  
> it up and testing it a bit here and there. It’s merely a matter of  
> individual preference and personal perception and Drupal felt  
> strange to me. "
> If you come across some anecdotal evidence of users being confused  
> by our labeling please send me a note or post it to the list.  At  
> some point I'd like to find a more formal way to determine what our  
> labeling should be as our user base moves away from programmers and  
> system administrators.

Hey Kieran,

take a look at the comments at http://opensourcecms.com/index.php? 
option=content&task=view&id=132.  They appear to be short, anecdotal  
and posted by people who are not necessarily part of the Drupal  
community (less bias).

I'm interested to learn more about your plans/experiments with this  
so keep me in the loop.  Thanks.

Dries Buytaert  ::  http://www.buytaert.net/

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