[documentation] top pages, need some thought?

Charlie Lowe cel4145 at cyberdash.com
Wed Jan 11 17:15:51 UTC 2006

I agree. There are problems with this page. But the problem is 
indicative of the whole About section. It's more like a wikipedia of 
various pages that are all filed in the same section rather than having 
an overall rhetorical strategy which guides the crafting of all of the 
pages and their organization.

Back in May, I posted a proposal for rethinking and restructuring this 


I think I would revise this proposal a little now, but perhaps it would 
be useful as a starting point for rethinking the About Drupal handbook. 
Once we have an overall rhetorical strategy and organizational structure 
for this handbook, then we would be in even a better position to know 
what needs to go on each page.

Bèr Kessels wrote:
> Hi,
> I was reading http://drupal.org/node/22963 (is drupal right for you). And came 
> to the conclusion that that part needs some love.
> One thing that bothers me most, is that one will conclude from that page, if 
> anything can be concluded at all, that drupal is always right for the reader. 
> Maybe we should add:
> * A summary with some user profiles of people who *can* use drupal
> * A summar of people who should *not* use drupal
> * A pointer to the services page explaining that certain people should not 
> bother diving any deeper, but et somone to hold their hand, or do it for 
> them.
> I beleive that that page, atm is telling nothing, really, while it ould be a 
> very nice first "street map"  and gatekeeper for Drupal.
> Anyone willing to take this? 
> Bèr

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