[documentation] The handbook organization

Gary Feldman dpal_gaf_doc at marsdome.com
Fri Sep 1 15:49:39 UTC 2006

Kieran Lal wrote:
> ...
> Again we need to adapt to users changing expectations.
> Users want video summaries.
Egads, I hope not.  Or at least I hope that doesn't detract from other 
work.  I have yet to see a video that had any substantive value.

Different people process information in different ways, so video 
examples are a good complement to textual information.  But text has 
major advantages over video: you get to read at your own pace and not 
some arbitrary pace, it's easier to reread and reread again, it's easier 
to skim, it's easier to go back and forth between several sections at 
once, it's easier to search.  I'm sure there are more.
> They want to use search to find stuff, because that's proving to be 
> more effective than categorization schemes that are constantly out of 
> date.  It's our job to give Steven feedback on why searching for top 
> terms is not giving the results we would recommend.
UIE has some good articles on search at 
http://www.uie.com/browse/search/.  The one on Amazon and the one on 
users who always search are particularly worthwhile.


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