[documentation] Free beta screencapture software for Drupal Documentation

Kent Bye kent at kentbye.com
Fri Jun 1 22:11:17 UTC 2007


I've noticed that there aren't a lot of screencap pictures in the 
Handbook, and I think this an area that could use a lot of attention 
since a pictures are worth a 1000 words and an annotated picture is 
worth even more.

I have a connection with the ComicLife developers who have an amazingly 
streamlined screencapture program called "Skitch."

The lead developer is willing to give out 5-10 free beta copies of 
Skitch to the Drupal documentation people who use a Mac ( 
http://plasq.com/skitch ).

It makes it super easy and fast to take a screencapture of a page, 
annotate it and upload it to your favorite photo sharing site or save it 
to your desktop.

Here's a 5-minute screencast overview of what it can do:

You can e-mail me at kent at kentbye.com if you're interested in getting a 
copy of it, and I'll give you details for e-mailing the lead developer.

I've found that it is an excellent tool for helping me grok code, and 
make mini-tutorials for people.

Here are some example ways I've used it:

Adding Sort via Argument Handler & Visualizing $View Object

Install MPlayer on Mac Terminal

AHAH_Forms jQuery UI

So just let me know if you're interested and I'll tell you who to e-mail 
with a Username/Password for the beta version


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