[support] can't install date or date_api module

Tina Williams tina at words-etcetera.com
Mon Feb 8 21:55:54 UTC 2010

At 03:46 PM 2/8/2010, you wrote:
>Hi, Tina! Normally the downloaded module will be a single archive file,
>which you would have to extract to make a folder.
>It's not clear exactly where the process is going wrong in your case.
>Could you post what operating system you are using, the exact steps you
>took and what you saw when you were done?

Right, I've installed other modules. After you unzip them they are a 
folder with lots of files in them. When I unzip the date module, it's 
just ONE file, no folder.

I have a PC. I navigate to this module page:


download the 6.x-2.4 version. It's a zipped file. When I unzip it, 
I've got just one file named: date-6.x-2.4 and it doesn't appear to 
have a file extension as I have my computer set to show all file 
extensions, and this has none. My explore folder says the file type 
is "4 File" whatever that is.

And, this isn't a one-time deal. I've tried downloading this module 
for a couple of weeks now, and I get exactly the same file! I'm 
rather new to Drupal, but have been installing and using modules all 
along and don't understand why I can't get this one right.

Or, am I trying to get the wrong "date" module? It's a pretty 
important module that a lot of stuff rests on. Am I going to the 
wrong module page?



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