[themes] some questions about themes

Bert Van Kets mailing at vankets.com
Fri Dec 16 13:14:29 UTC 2011


1. The Picture Reloaded theme allows for a LOT of customizing in regard 
of colors.
There are others, look around in http://drupal.org/project/themes
The amount of customizing depends on the amount of configuration 
parameters that are defined and implemented by the themer and the amount 
of energy he/she wanted to put into the development of the interface. 
Most of the time a theme is created for a particular use, so customizing 
is not required.

2. A theme not only defines the colors and images, but also the 
structure of the site. A theme can override every bit of HTML that is 
rendered by every module in Drupal. Theming in Drupal is ultra flexible 
and your pre requisite that the structure of the site should not change 
is totally contradictory to that.

3. Sub themes override theme structures and functions of the main theme. 
So you start by a master theme and gradually override parts until you 
get what you want.
You can not mix two themes like you describe it. A Zen theme can never 
be a part of a Garland theme. You can start from a Garland theme and 
copy a part of a Zen theme over.
If you want to venture into this kind of theming, you have a lot of 
reading and testing to do. It's not basic stuff where you can just copy 
some files and expect it to work. You need to know more about the inner 
workings and may not be afraid to get your hand dirty with PHP code.


P.S. If you need theming help, let me know.

On 16/12/2011 9:45, Gabriele Giorelli wrote:
> Hello
> Is there a theme that is configurable and customizable? Let me tell 
> you the background of my question: I want to let users customize their 
> view like gmail does.
> My 2nd question is about changing themes. Whenever I change the theme, 
> I lose all the dimensions of the frames and menus. I don't know how 
> themes were developed in drupal, but changing from 1 theme to another 
> should not ideally hurt the look of the site.
> And my 3rd question is about sub-theme. I keep seeing this term 
> especially in Zen theme. Does it mean I can run a Garland theme and 
> inside it I can define a Zen theme for a view? OR does it mean I can 
> create a new theme out of the parent theme that is always Zen theme?
> thank you for clarifying these 3 points.
> best regards,
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